Movies Detail of Senza scrupoli (1986)
✓ Title : Senza scrupoli
✓ Release Date : January 9th, 1986
✓ Director : Tonino Valerii
✓ Writers : Mino Roli, Tonino Valerii, Riccardo Ghione, Vinicio Marinucci
✓ Cast : Cinzia de Ponti, Antonio Marsina, Marzio Honorato, Sandra Wey
✓ Release Date : January 9th, 1986
✓ Director : Tonino Valerii
✓ Writers : Mino Roli, Tonino Valerii, Riccardo Ghione, Vinicio Marinucci
✓ Cast : Cinzia de Ponti, Antonio Marsina, Marzio Honorato, Sandra Wey
Synopsis of Senza scrupoli (1986)
Silvia belongs to a respectable family, the wife of a jeweler in Turin, but charming woman bored by marriage. One night she is alone at home and unwisely opens the door to a stranger trying to rob her and eventually decides to rape her. The police and her husband try to convince Silvia not complain, but she starts looking for the man who raped her for revenge. When he finds, however, is attracted by humiliation and violence suffered and she becomes his lover with anything.
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Well, Senza scrupoli (1986) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Senza scrupoli (1986) itselft directed by Tonino Valerii and Starring by Cinzia de Ponti, Antonio Marsina, Marzio Honorato, Sandra Wey which made Senza scrupoli (1986) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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